Chennemane - The board game1.2.0.0 - Get APK
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Publisher Description
Chennemane is the traditional board game from India which is played by two similar to Mancala, this app has the computer player option when no one else to join you. The board contains 14 small pits and 2 large pits and 4 seeds are placed in each small pit.
The game starts by randomly choosing the who plays first. The first player has to pick up the seeds from any one pit of the seven pits on his side. Starting from the next pit and going clockwise, he has to drop 1 seed into each pit. At the fifth pit, he has to pick up the seeds and carry on. Soon, he'll end at a pit and find the adjacent pit to be empty. He wins the seeds in the pit next to the empty pit (to be placed at the 'home pit' to his right). It's now opponent players turn. He picks up the seeds from any pit on his side and plays and wins seeds just like the first player. When all the seeds are won, the player with the most is the winner.
Additionally when the seeds are moving if the pit seed count becomes 4 that 4 seeds goes to the player to which side the pit belongs regardless of whose turn it is. For example player1 is moving seed from pit 2 on the player2's side which contains say 5 seeds to pit 3 which contains 3 seeds now the pit 3 will have 4 seeds, since the pit is on the player2's side player2 gets the 4 seeds (Bonus 4 seeds) and so it is moved to player2's home pit.
The app contains "VS COMPUTER" to play with the computer and it has 3 levels "EASY", "INTERMEDIATE" and "DIFFICULT". In "VS PLAYER" the player can play with another player. The game begins with randomly choosing who plays first. The counter displays the "Player1's Wins" and "Player2's Wins" or "Computer Wins" for that session.
Game rules links:[1][2]